Lecture 5: Monte Carlo Methods

# # Lecture 5: Monte Carlo Methods
import numpy as np
import rldurham as rld

# ## Learning a Policy with Monte Carlo Sampling

# Our goal is to learn an optimal policy from randomly sampled trajectories. Our strategy is to estimate Q-values (state-action values) based on the samples and get the policy from the Q-values.

# ### Essential Components

# We can **define the policy** based on the Q-values by either deterministically picking an action (not a good idea) or giving equal probability to all actions with maximum value. Additionally, we can add uniform random actions with probability epsilon (exploration).
def epsilon_greedy_policy(Q, epsilon, deterministic):
    p = np.zeros_like(Q)
    ns, na = Q.shape
    for s in range(ns):
        Qs = Q[s]
        if deterministic:
            max_action = np.argmax(Qs)
            p[s, max_action] = 1
            max_actions = np.argwhere(Qs == Qs.max())
            p[s, max_actions] = 1 / len(max_actions)
        p[s] = (1 - epsilon) * p[s] + epsilon / na
    return p

# Given a policy, we can **sample episodes** in the environment, that is, complete trajectories that reach the goal state (or run over the time limit).
def sample_episode(env, policy):
    observation, info = env.reset()
    done = False
    trajectory = []
    while not done:
        action = np.random.choice(env.action_space.n, p=policy[observation])
        new_observation, reward, term, trunc, info = env.step(action)
        trajectory.append((observation, action, reward))
        observation = new_observation
        done = term or trunc
    return trajectory, info

# From the trajectory, we can **compute returns** (discounted cumulative rewards) for each state along the way, which is most efficiently done in reverse order.
def compute_returns(trajectory, gamma):
    partial_return = 0.
    returns = []
    for observation, action, reward in reversed(trajectory):
        partial_return *= gamma
        partial_return += reward
        returns.append((observation, action, partial_return))
    return list(reversed(returns))

# Frome the returns, we can now **update the Q-values** using empirical averages as a Monte Carlo approximation of the expected return. This can be done using exact averages or exponentially smoothing averages (with constant learning rate alpha).
def update_Q(Q, ns, returns, alpha):
    for obs, act, ret in returns:
        ns[obs, act] += 1             # update counts
        if alpha is None:
            alpha = 1 / ns[obs, act]  # use exact means if no learning rate provided
            Q[obs, act] += alpha * (ret - Q[obs, act])
            old_bias_correction = 1 - (1 - alpha) ** (ns[obs, act] - 1)
            new_bias_correction = 1 - (1 - alpha) ** ns[obs, act]
            Q[obs, act] = Q[obs, act] * old_bias_correction  # undo old bias correction
            Q[obs, act] += alpha * (ret - Q[obs, act])       # normal update as above
            Q[obs, act] = Q[obs, act] / new_bias_correction  # apply new bias correction

# ### Some Examples

# Let's look at different scenarios starting with an empty lake and going through different hyper-parameter settings:

Empty Lake

  1. epsilon, gamma, det, alpha = 0.0, 1.0, True, None

    A deterministic policy without exploration typically does not learn at all because it never reaches the goal state.

  2. epsilon, gamma, det, alpha = 0.0, 1.0, False, None

    A non-deterministic policy without exploration samples a successful episode at some point but then “clings” to it without exploring further, so is likely to get stuck and never find the optimal policy.

  1. epsilon, gamma, det, alpha = 0.1, 1.0, False, None

    A little exploration produces much more stable results and will eventually find the optimal policy. Without any discount it will not have a preference to shorter (or even finite) paths.

  2. epsilon, gamma, det, alpha = 0.5, 0.9, False, None

    Considerable exploration and some discount produces very stable results with a preference for shorter paths, but the policy is far from optimal due to exploration.

%% 8x8 Lake ——–

  • Things are more difficult because there are more “pockets” to explore.

%% Exploration Noise —————–

  • Run epsilon, gamma, det, alpha = 0.3, 1.0, False, None on small custom environment (slippery=True) for 1000 episodes
    • Currently optimal policy takes the short-but-risky path because everything is also risky with exploration noise.

  • Switch to epsilon, alpha = 0.2, 0.01 and run for another 2000 episodes
    • Now the long-but-safe path is preferred as it should be (with gamma=1)

# set up environment
env = rld.make(
    'FrozenLake-v1',     # simple
    # 'FrozenLake8x8-v1',  # more complex
    desc = [             # empty lake (start with this as it is most insightful)
    # desc=[               # short high-risk versus long low-risk paths with is_slippery=True
    #     "FFF",
    #     "FHF",
    #     "SFG",
    #     "FHF",
    # ],
    # is_slippery=True,
LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP = 0, 1, 2, 3
env = rld.Recorder(env, smoothing=100)
tracker = rld.InfoTracker()
rld.seed_everything(42, env)

# initialise Q values
Q = np.zeros((env.observation_space.n, env.action_space.n))
ns = np.zeros((env.observation_space.n, env.action_space.n), dtype=int)

# different hyper parameters
epsilon, gamma, det, alpha = 0.0, 1.0, True,  None  # does not learn at all
# epsilon, gamma, det, alpha = 0.0, 1.0, False, None  # very instable and gets stuck quickly
# epsilon, gamma, det, alpha = 0.1, 1.0, False, None  # more stable but no preference for shorter paths
# epsilon, gamma, det, alpha = 0.5, 0.9, False, None  # stable and preference for shorter paths, but non-optimal policy
# epsilon, gamma, det, alpha = 0.3, 1.0, False, None  # sub-optimal policy due to exploration noise (on small custom map)
Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
# sample episodes
# n_episodes, plot_every = 1, 1       # one trial at a time
n_episodes, plot_every = 1000, 100  # many trials at once
# epsilon = 0.                        # force optimal policy
# epsilon, alpha = 0.2, 0.01          # less exploration, some forgetting
for eidx in range(n_episodes):
    # epsilon-greedy policy
    policy = epsilon_greedy_policy(Q=Q, epsilon=epsilon, deterministic=det)

    # sample complete episode
    trajectory, info = sample_episode(env=env, policy=policy)

    # compute step-wise returns from trajectory
    returns = compute_returns(trajectory=trajectory, gamma=gamma)

    # update Q values
    update_Q(Q=Q, ns=ns, returns=returns, alpha=alpha)

    # track and plot progress
    if (eidx + 1) % plot_every == 0:
        tracker.plot(r_sum=True, r_mean_=True, clear=True)
        rld.plot_frozenlake(env, v=Q.max(axis=1),
                            policy=epsilon_greedy_policy(Q=Q, epsilon=epsilon, deterministic=det),
                            trajectory=trajectory, draw_vals=True)
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods
  • Lecture 5 Monte Carlo Methods

# LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP = 0, 1, 2, 3
print("First steps (state, action, reward):\n", trajectory[:3])
print("First returns (state, action, return):\n", returns[:3])
print("Q values for first states:\n", Q[:3])
print("Action counts for first states:\n", ns[:3])
First steps (state, action, reward):
 [(0, 0, 0.0), (0, 0, 0.0), (0, 0, 0.0)]
First returns (state, action, return):
 [(0, 0, 0.0), (0, 0, 0.0), (0, 0, 0.0)]
Q values for first states:
 [[0. 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. 0.]]
Action counts for first states:
 [[100000      0      0      0]
 [     0      0      0      0]
 [     0      0      0      0]]

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 6.861 seconds)

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