import torch
from rbnet.base import Prior, NonTermVar, Transition, Cell
from rbnet.util import TupleTMap
class AutoencoderNonTermVar(NonTermVar):
def __init__(self, dim, chart_type="TMap", *args, **kwargs):
A point-wise continuous non-terminal variable of dimensionality ``dim``. Distributions over these variables
can be thought of as Dirac deltas (the limit of infinitely narrow Gaussians), represented by a location
(a specific variable value) and weight (in the case of mixtures or inside probabilities).
:param cardinality: cardinality
:param chart_type: type of chart to use ("dict" or "TMap")
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.dim = dim
self.chart_type = chart_type
def get_chart(self, n, *args, **kwargs):
Initialise a chart for sequence of length `n`.
:param n: length of the sequence
:return: chart
if self.chart_type == "dict":
return {}
elif self.chart_type == "TMap":
return TupleTMap([
torch.zeros((TupleTMap.size_from_n(n), self.dim)), # the variable values
torch.zeros(TupleTMap.size_from_n(n)) # the inside probabilities
raise ValueError(f"Unknown chart type '{self.chart_type}'")
def mixture(self, components, weights=None, dim=0):
Approximate a mixture by its weighted average. The new weight is the sum of mixture weights. Mixture weights
are provided as part of the ``components``; additional weights provided as ``weights`` are multiplied on the
weights provided in ``components``.
:param components: array-like with pairs of (values, weights) mixture components along ``dim``
:param weights: [optional] weights of the mixture components; must be compatible (broadcastable) to weights in
:param dim: integer or tuple of integers indicating the dimensions of ``components`` along which to sum to
compute the mixture
:return: distribution corresponding to the mixture
if len(components) == 0:
return torch.zeros(self.dim), torch.zeros(1)
mix_weights = torch.stack([c[1] for c in components])
components = torch.stack([c[0] for c in components])
if not isinstance(dim, tuple):
dim = (dim,)
if weights is not None:
mix_weights = torch.as_tensor(weights) * mix_weights
return (mix_weights * components).sum(dim=dim), mix_weights.sum(dim=dim)
class AutoencoderTransition(Transition):
An autoencoder transition combining a deterministic binary non-terminal and unary terminal transition. The
general :meth:`~rbnet.base.Transition.inside_marginals` simplify for autoencoders. First, we operate on point
estimates (delta distributions), so we assume the following form for the inside distribution
.. math::
\beta_{i:k}(x_{i:k}) &:= w_{i:k} \, \delta(x_{i:k}=\bar{x}_{i:k}) \\
\widetilde{\beta}_{i:j:k}(x_{i:k}) &:= \widetilde{w}_{i:j:k} \, \delta(x_{i:k}=\widetilde{x}_{i:j:k})~,
where :math:`\bar{x}_{i:k}` and :math:`\widetilde{x}_{i:j:k}` define the location of the delta distributions and
:math:`w_{i:k}` and :math:`\widetilde{w}_{i:j:k}` their norm.
For binary non-terminals, we then get
.. math::
&= \int\int p_{N}(x_{i:j}, x_{j:k} \mid x_{i:k}) \beta(x_{i:j}) \beta(x_{j:k}) dx_{i:j} dx_{j:k} \\
&= p_{N}(\bar{x}_{i:j}, \bar{x}_{j:k} \mid x_{i:k}) \, w_{i:j} \, w_{j:k}
and for unary terminals
.. math::
= p_{T}(y_{i+1} \mid x_{i:i+1})~.
We now recover the form assumed above by fixing the value of :math:`x_{i:k}` and :math:`x_{i:i+1}` given by a
deterministic encoder, while the transition probabilities are provided by the stochastic forward model, i.e.,
the decoder
.. math::
\widetilde{x}_{i:j:k} &:= \mbox{non-terminal encoder}(\bar{x}_{i:j}, \bar{x}_{j:k}) \\
p_{N}(\bar{x}_{i:j}, \bar{x}_{j:k} \mid x_{i:k}) &:= \mbox{non-terminal decoder}(\bar{x}_{i:j}, \bar{x}_{j:k} \mid \widetilde{x}_{i:j:k}) \\
\widetilde{x}_{i:i+1} &:= \mbox{terminal encoder}(y_{i+1}) \\
p_{T}(y_{i+1} \mid x_{i:i+1}) &:= \mbox{terminal decoder}(y_{i+1} \mid \widetilde{x}_{i:i+1})~.
def __init__(self,
terminal_encoder, terminal_decoder,
non_terminal_encoder, non_terminal_decoder,
left_idx=0, right_idx=0, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.left_idx = left_idx
self.right_idx = right_idx
self.terminal_encoder = terminal_encoder
self.terminal_decoder = terminal_decoder
self.non_terminal_encoder = non_terminal_encoder
self.non_terminal_decoder = non_terminal_decoder
def inside_marginals(self, location, inside_chart, terminal_chart, value=None, **kwargs):
if value is not None:
NotImplementedError("Conditional inside probabilities currently not implemented")
if isinstance(location, tuple) and len(location) == 2:
start, end = location
if end - start <= 1:
# terminal transition
parent_var = self.terminal_encoder(terminal_chart[start])
transition_prob = self.terminal_decoder(parent_var, terminal_chart[start])
return [(parent_var, transition_prob)]
inside_marginals = []
for split in range(start + 1, end):
# get inside probabilities (clone to avoid problems with inplace operations below – not sure why)
left_var, left_inside = inside_chart[self.left_idx][start, split]
right_var, right_inside = inside_chart[self.right_idx][split, end]
parent_var = self.non_terminal_encoder(left_var, right_var)
transition_prob = self.non_terminal_decoder(parent_var, left_var, right_var)
inside_marginals.append((parent_var, transition_prob * left_inside * right_inside))
return inside_marginals
raise ValueError(f"Expected locations to be (start, end) index, but got: {location}")
class AutoencoderCell(Cell):
def __init__(self, variable, transition, *args, **kwargs):
:param variable: the :class:`~AutoencoderVariable` for this cell
:param transition: the :class:`~AutoencoderTransition` for this cell
:param args: passed on to super().__init__
:param kwargs: passed on to super().__init__
super().__init__(variable=variable, *args, **kwargs)
self._transition = transition
def transitions(self):
yield from [self._transition]
def inside_mixture(self, inside_marginals):
assert len(inside_marginals) == 1, f"Expected only one element for a single transition, but got {len(inside_marginals)}"
return self.variable.mixture(components=inside_marginals[0])
class AutoencoderPrior(Prior):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def marginal_likelihood(self, root_location, inside_chart, **kwargs):
assert len(inside_chart) == 1, f"Expected inside chart with one variable, but got {len(inside_chart)}"
return inside_chart[0][root_location]