AbstractedPCFG (non_terminals, terminals, ...)
An AbstractedPCFG defines an RBN that has only one non-terminal and one terminal variable, both being discrete with a cardinality corresponding to the number of non-terminal and terminal symbols of the PCFG, respectively. |
DiscreteBinaryNonTerminalTransition (weights)
A binary non-terminal transition for discrete non-terminal variables. |
DiscreteCell (variable, weights, transitions)
A cell for a discrete variable, where the structural distribution may depend on the variable's value |
DiscreteNonTermVar (cardinality[, chart_type])
A discrete non-terminal variable with cardinality cardinality . |
DiscretePrior (struc_weights, prior_weights)
A prior distribution over discrete non-terminal variables. |
DiscreteTerminalTransition (weights[, ...])
A binary terminal transition for discrete non-terminal and terminal variables. |
ExpandedPCFG (non_terminals, terminals, ...)
An ExpandedPCFG... |
PCFG (cells, prior, terminal_indices, ...[, ...])
StaticCell (variable, weights, transitions[, ...])
A cell with a static structural distribution (probabilities over the different transitions) |