
class rbnet.base.RBN(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ABC

Base class for RBNs.

Public Data Attributes:


Return the location of the root variables.


Return the chart with inside probabilities for all variables.


Return the chart with terminal variables.


Return the prior transition (typically an instance of Prior), which has to implement Prior.marginal_likelihood().

Public Methods:

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

inside_schedule(*args, **kwargs)

Iterate through (batches of) non-terminal locations for computing inside probabilities.


Return iterable over cells (corresponding to the non-terminal variables).

init_inside(*args, **kwargs)

Initialise for parsing a new input.

update_inside_chart(var_idx, locations, values)

For the specified variable, update the chart for inside probabilities with given values at given locations.

inside(*args, **kwargs)

Compute the inside probabilities and return the marginal data likelihood.

Private Data Attributes:


Inherited from ABC


abstract cells()[source]

Return iterable over cells (corresponding to the non-terminal variables).

init_inside(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Initialise for parsing a new input. This function is called by inside() with all provided parameters. Derived classes may override it to implement tasks such as initialising charts for the non-terminal variables.

inside(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the inside probabilities and return the marginal data likelihood.


marginal likelihood

abstract property inside_chart

Return the chart with inside probabilities for all variables.


inside chart

abstract inside_schedule(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Iterate through (batches of) non-terminal locations for computing inside probabilities. The iteration order has to respect dependencies, i.e., non-terminals

that depend on another non-terminal (in the generative direction, i.e. generates : ) have to be iterated BEFORE the non-terminals they depend on ( has to be visited before ).


location or batch of locations

abstract property prior

Return the prior transition (typically an instance of Prior), which has to implement Prior.marginal_likelihood().



abstract property root_location

Return the location of the root variables. This is typically the value returned in the last iteration of inside_schedule()


location of the root variables

abstract property terminal_chart

Return the chart with terminal variables.


terminal chart

abstract update_inside_chart(var_idx, locations, values)[source]

For the specified variable, update the chart for inside probabilities with given values at given locations.

  • var_idx – specifies the variable

  • locations – locations to update

  • values – values to store in chart