
class triangularmap.tmap.TMap(arr, linearise_blocks=False, _n=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A wrapper around a 1D array that provides access in triangular (or ternary) coordinates. A 1D array of length N = n (n + 1) / 2 is mapped to a triangular layout as follows (here with N=21 and n=6):

                       /\         depth  level
                      /0 \            0      6
                     /\  /\
                    /1 \/ 2\          1      5
                   /\  /\  /\
                  /3 \/4 \/5 \        2      4
                 /\  /\  /\  /\
                /6 \/7 \/8 \/9 \      3      3
               /\  /\  /\  /\  /\
              /10\/11\/12\/13\/14\    4      2
             /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\
            /15\/16\/17\/18\/19\/20\  5      1
           |   |   |   |   |   |   |
start/end: 0   1   2   3   4   5   6

Values can be accessed by start and end index (0 \leq start < end \leq n) as follows:

               (0, 6)
            (0, 5) (1, 6)
         (0, 4) (1, 5) (2, 6)
      (0, 3) (1, 4) (2, 5) (3, 6)
   (0, 2) (1, 3) (2, 4) (3, 5) (4, 6)
(0, 1) (1, 2) (2, 3) (3, 4) (4, 5) (5, 6)

That is (start, end) is mapped to the linear index depth (depth + 1) / 2 + end - level, where depth = n - (end - start) and level = n - depth. Advanced integer index arrays are processed in the same way and are applied to the underlying array following standard numpy rules (e.g. direct assignment works but otherwise a copy of the values is returned instead of a view). Additionally, slices by depth or level return views of the underlying array segment. Slices by start or end index are also supported but internally use advanced indexing, so they return a copy, not a view.

Public Data Attributes:


Size of the triangular map, i.e., the width at the triangle base.


Underlying storage container.


Shape of the values stored in the map.



A convenience property that uses get_lslice() and set_lslice() as getter and setter, respectively.


A convenience property that uses get_dslice() and set_dslice() as getter and setter, respectively.


A convenience property that uses get_sslice() and set_sslice() as getter and setter, respectively.


A convenience property that uses get_eslice() and set_eslice() as getter and setter, respectively.


A convenience property that uses get_sblock() and set_sblock() as getter and setter, respectively.


A convenience property that uses get_eblock() and set_eblock() as getter and setter, respectively.

Public Methods:


Calculate the size N of the underlying 1D array for a given width n of the triangular map: N = n (n + 1)) / 2.


Calculate width n of the map given the size N of the underlying 1D array: n = (\sqrt{8 * N + 1} - 1) / 2.


For a map of width n, get an index array of length n (n + 1)) / 2 to reindex from start-end order to top-down order.


Reindex arr from start-end order to top-down order.


For a map of width n, get an index array of length n (n + 1)) / 2 to reindex from top-down order to start-end order.


Reindex arr from top-down order to start-end order.

__init__(arr[, linearise_blocks, _n])

depth(start, end)

Compute the depth d corresponding to (start, end): d = n - (end - start).


Compute the level from depth or (start, end).

linear_from_start_end(start, end)

Compute the linear index (in the underlying 1D array) corresponding to a (start, end) pair.


Get the item corresponding to (start, end) or the sub-map corresponding to slice start:end.

__setitem__(key, value)

Set the item corresponding to (start, end).


Copy the map.


Return the sub-map corresponding to the top-most levels.


Compute the linear 1D start and end index corresponding to all values in the respective level of the map.


Slice the map at the given level, returning a view of the values.

set_lslice(level, value)


Slice the map at the given depth, returning a view of the values.

set_dslice(depth, value)


Return a slice for the given start index.

set_sslice(key, value)

Like get_sslice but set value instead of returning values.


Return a slice for the given end index.

set_eslice(key, value)

Like get_eslice but set value instead of returning values.


Return a block of sslices down from the specified level.

set_sblock(key, value)

Like get_sblock but set value.


Return a block of eslices down from the specified level.

set_eblock(key, value)

Like get_sblock but set value.


Return map in linear order.


Return repr(self).


Return a string representation of the map, consisting of consecutive dslices.

pretty([cut, str_func, detach_pytorch, scf, ...])

Pretty-print a triangular map.

Private Data Attributes:


Private Methods:


Convert i to integer, no matter whether it is a single number or a numpy array.



_check(start, end)

Check whether 0 <= start < end < n.


Compute the end indices corresponding to a slice at the give start index.


Compute the start indices corresponding to a slice at the give end index.



class GetSetWrapper(getter, setter)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper class that delegates __getitem__ and __setitem__ to custom functions

class UnDef[source]

Bases: object

Class to indicate undefined indices

property arr

Underlying storage container.


Copy the map. If the underlying data is a lists, tuple, numpy array or pytorch tensor, the appropriate functions are called, otherwise a deepcopy of the data is made.


Copied map.

depth(start, end)[source]

Compute the depth d corresponding to (start, end): d = n - (end - start). This function also works with arrays.

  • start – start index or array of indices

  • end – end index or array of indices


depth or array of depth values

property dslice

A convenience property that uses get_dslice() and set_dslice() as getter and setter, respectively.

property eblock

A convenience property that uses get_eblock() and set_eblock() as getter and setter, respectively.

property eslice

A convenience property that uses get_eslice() and set_eslice() as getter and setter, respectively.


Return map in linear order. The different orders correspond to iteration using two nested for loops where the first letter indicates the outer dimension and the second the inner: s: start, e: end, l: level. A minus sign reverses the order of the respective dimension.


order – string specifying order of linearisation: ‘+s+e’, ‘+e+s’, ‘+l+s’ (+ can be omitted or replaced with -)


1D array with values in given order


Slice the map at the given depth, returning a view of the values.


depth – depth to use for slicing


view of the values


Return a block of eslices down from the specified level.


Return a slice for the given end index. Internally, advanced indexing is used, so the returned values are a copy, not a view. item can be a tuple to further slice down before retrieving the values.


item – end index or tuple of end index and additional indices/slices


copy of slice at end index


Slice the map at the given level, returning a view of the values.


level – level to use for slicing


view of the values

classmethod get_reindex_from_start_end_to_top_down(n)[source]

For a map of width n, get an index array of length n (n + 1)) / 2 to reindex from start-end order to top-down order. This is used in reindex_from_start_end_to_top_down() to perform the reindexing.


n – width of map


index array of length n (n + 1)) / 2

classmethod get_reindex_from_top_down_to_start_end(n)[source]

For a map of width n, get an index array of length n (n + 1)) / 2 to reindex from top-down order to start-end order. This is used in reindex_from_top_down_to_start_end() to perform the reindexing.


n – width of map


index array of length n (n + 1)) / 2


Return a block of sslices down from the specified level.


Return a slice for the given start index. Internally, advanced indexing is used, so the returned values are a copy, not a view. item can be a tuple to further slice down before retrieving the values.


item – start index or tuple of start index and additional indices/slices


copy of slice at start index


Compute the level from depth or (start, end). If (start, end) is given, the depth function is used to first compute the depth. This function also works with arrays.


args – either one argument (depth) or two (start, end), which can also be arrays


depth or array of depth values

linear_from_start_end(start, end)[source]

Compute the linear index (in the underlying 1D array) corresponding to a (start, end) pair. This function also works with arrays.

  • start – start index or array of indices

  • end – end index or array of indices


linear index or array of linear indices


Compute the linear 1D start and end index corresponding to all values in the respective level of the map. Slicing the underlying array as arr[start:end + 1] will return a view of the values on the level.


level – level for which to compute the indices


linear 1D start and end index

property linearise_blocks
property lslice

A convenience property that uses get_lslice() and set_lslice() as getter and setter, respectively.

property n

Size of the triangular map, i.e., the width at the triangle base. This is not the total size of the underlying storage (use size_from_n() to convert to that).

classmethod n_from_size(n)[source]

Calculate width n of the map given the size N of the underlying 1D array: n = (\sqrt{8 * N + 1} - 1) / 2. Checks for valid size (i.e. if the resulting n is actually an integer) and raises a ValueError otherwise. This function also works with arrays.


n – size of the underlying 1D array


width of the map

pretty(cut=None, str_func=None, detach_pytorch=True, scf=None, pos=None, rnd=None, align='r', crosses=False, cross_border=True, fill_char=' ', pad_char=' ', top_char=' ', bottom_char=' ', fill_lines=True, haxis=False, daxis=False, laxis=False, left_border_char='╱', left_inner_char='╱', right_border_char='╲', right_inner_char='╲', left_border_cross_char='╳', right_border_cross_char='╳', inner_cross_char='╳', top_cross_char='╳', grid_off=False)[source]

Pretty-print a triangular map. See the gallery for usage examples.

  • cut – cut at specified level, printing only the bottom ‘cut’ levels of the map

  • str_func – function to convert values to strings (default: str)

  • detach_pytorch – whether to detach tensors if the underlying array is a pytorch tensor

  • scf – kwargs to use np.format_float_scientific to format value

  • pos – kwargs to use np.format_float_positional to format value

  • rnd – kwargs to use np.around to format value

  • align – right-align (‘r’) or left-align (‘l’) content within cells

  • crosses – use a different style for plotting the triangular map

  • cross_border – in ‘crosses’ style, use crosses also at the border, otherwise use straight lines

  • fill_char – character used for indenting lines (and filling lines; see fill_lines)

  • pad_char – character used for padding content (left or right; depending on align)

  • top_char – character used to fill remaining space at the top within cells

  • bottom_char – character used to fill remaining space at the bottom within cells

  • fill_lines – whether to fill lines to same length on the right side

  • haxis – plot a horizontal axis with ticks and tick labels

  • daxis – plot a depth axis on the right (not compatible with ‘laxis’)

  • laxis – plot a level axis on the right (not compatible with ‘daxis’)


pretty-printed string

classmethod reindex_from_start_end_to_top_down(arr)[source]

Reindex arr from start-end order to top-down order.


arr – linear array in start-end order


linear array in top-down order

Given a linear array [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], assuming start-end order translates to the triangular map:

      ╱ 3╲
     ╱╲  ╱╲
    ╱ 2╲╱ 6╲
   ╱╲  ╱╲  ╱╲
  ╱ 1╲╱ 5╲╱ 8╲
 ╱╲  ╱╲  ╱╲  ╱╲
╱ 0╲╱ 4╲╱ 7╲╱ 9╲

Assuming top-down order translates into:

      ╱ 0╲
     ╱╲  ╱╲
    ╱ 1╲╱ 2╲
   ╱╲  ╱╲  ╱╲
  ╱ 3╲╱ 4╲╱ 5╲
 ╱╲  ╱╲  ╱╲  ╱╲
╱ 6╲╱ 7╲╱ 8╲╱ 9╲

Applying reindex_from_start_end_to_top_down() to the array [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] reorders it to [3, 2, 6, 1, 5, 8, 0, 4, 7, 9], so that the upper triangular map is produced using the lower ordering principle. This is the inverse function of reindex_from_top_down_to_start_end().

classmethod reindex_from_top_down_to_start_end(arr)[source]

Reindex arr from top-down order to start-end order.


arr – linear array in top-down order


linear array in start-end order

Given a linear array [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], assuming top-down order translates to the triangular map:

      ╱ 0╲
     ╱╲  ╱╲
    ╱ 1╲╱ 2╲
   ╱╲  ╱╲  ╱╲
  ╱ 3╲╱ 4╲╱ 5╲
 ╱╲  ╱╲  ╱╲  ╱╲
╱ 6╲╱ 7╲╱ 8╲╱ 9╲

Assuming start-end order translates into:

      ╱ 3╲
     ╱╲  ╱╲
    ╱ 2╲╱ 6╲
   ╱╲  ╱╲  ╱╲
  ╱ 1╲╱ 5╲╱ 8╲
 ╱╲  ╱╲  ╱╲  ╱╲
╱ 0╲╱ 4╲╱ 7╲╱ 9╲

Applying reindex_from_top_down_to_start_end() to the array [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] reorders it to [6, 3, 1, 0, 7, 4, 2, 8, 5, 9], so that the upper triangular map is produced using the lower ordering principle. This is the inverse function of reindex_from_start_end_to_top_down()

property sblock

A convenience property that uses get_sblock() and set_sblock() as getter and setter, respectively.

set_dslice(depth, value)[source]
set_eblock(key, value)[source]

Like get_sblock but set value.

set_eslice(key, value)[source]

Like get_eslice but set value instead of returning values.

set_lslice(level, value)[source]
set_sblock(key, value)[source]

Like get_sblock but set value.

set_sslice(key, value)[source]

Like get_sslice but set value instead of returning values.

classmethod size_from_n(n)[source]

Calculate the size N of the underlying 1D array for a given width n of the triangular map: N = n (n + 1)) / 2. This function also works with arrays.


n – Width (number of entries at the bottom of the map)


Length of underlying 1D array (total number of entries in the map)

property sslice

A convenience property that uses get_sslice() and set_sslice() as getter and setter, respectively.


Return the sub-map corresponding to the top-most levels. A view of the underlying data is used, so the returned TMap shares the same buffer and modification affect both objects.


depth – How many levels from the top to include



property value_shape

Shape of the values stored in the map. If the underlying array has more than one dimension, the first one is used for the map and value_shape() corresponds to the remaining dimensions.