
class pitchscapes.scapes.DiscreteScape(values, times=None, weights=None, strategy='left')[source]

Bases: Scape

Discrete-time scape that is only well-defined at specific points in time. It computes the weighted sum over the given time window i.e. it sums up the values weighted by the corresponding time span.

Public Methods:

__init__(values[, times, weights, strategy])

Initialise the scape.

assert_valid_time_window(start, end)

assert_valid_index_window(start, end)


Return value of the scape at position :type item: :param item: (start, end) with start < end :return: value of the scape for the time window (start, end)

recursive_indices(start_idx, end_idx)

get_value_at_index(start, end)


Compute all values bottom up.

Inherited from Scape

__init__(min_time, max_time)


Return value of the scape at position :type item: :param item: (start, end) with start < end :return: value of the scape for the time window (start, end)

assert_valid_time_window(start, end)

__annotations__ = {}
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'pitchscapes.scapes', '__doc__': '\n    Discrete-time scape that is only well-defined at specific points in time. It computes the weighted sum over the\n    given time window i.e. it sums up the values weighted by the corresponding time span.\n    ', '__init__': <function DiscreteScape.__init__>, 'assert_valid_time_window': <function DiscreteScape.assert_valid_time_window>, 'assert_valid_index_window': <function DiscreteScape.assert_valid_index_window>, '__getitem__': <function DiscreteScape.__getitem__>, 'recursive_indices': <function DiscreteScape.recursive_indices>, 'get_value_at_index': <function DiscreteScape.get_value_at_index>, 'parse_bottom_up': <function DiscreteScape.parse_bottom_up>, '__annotations__': {}})

Return value of the scape at position :type item: :param item: (start, end) with start < end :return: value of the scape for the time window (start, end)

__init__(values, times=None, weights=None, strategy='left')[source]

Initialise the scape. :type values: :param values: values for each time slot (first dimension of size N runs over time intervals) :type times: :param times: [optional] boundaries of the time intervals (array like of length N+1). Defaults to [0, 1, …, N]. :type weights: :param weights: [optional] non-negative weights for the values; if not provided, the size of respective time interval is used. :type strategy: :param strategy: one of [“left”, “right”, “center”] (default: “left”). Determines how a time-index interval [K, L] is split in the recursive computations. For “left”: [K,L-1]+[L-1,L]; for “right”: [K,K+1]+[K+1,L]; for “center”: [K,K+1]+[K+1,L-1]+[L-1,L]. Also see comments for parse_bottom_up concerning efficiency and run time.

__module__ = 'pitchscapes.scapes'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

assert_valid_index_window(start, end)[source]
assert_valid_time_window(start, end)[source]
get_value_at_index(start, end)[source]

Compute all values bottom up. Performs an efficient dynamic programming pass through the entire scape and avoids time consuming recursive look-ups for compting single values (run time ~O(n^2)). This can be used if all values within the scape are expected to be needed. For high-resolution scapes where only few values need to be computed this may be inefficient as a single lookup has only ~O(n) run time. So if fewer than n values are needed, separate lookup will be more efficient. Moreover, if multiple value have the same start or end time, the overall run time for computing these values is only ~O(n). Depending on whether star or end time are in common the “left” or “right” strategy is more efficient.

recursive_indices(start_idx, end_idx)[source]