add_dummy_traces (n, fig)
Add empty dummy traces to the figure. |
add_key_markers (fig, **kwargs)
add_time_slider (frame_traces, fig)
create_fig ([fig, trace, dark, axes_off])
ellipse_3d (r1, r2[, centre, n, plane])
ellipse_coords (r1, r2[, centre, n, plane])
grouplegend_kwargs (group, groupname, name)
Create kwargs to supply to a trace for grouping. |
key_colors (pcds[, alpha])
Given an array of PCDs, returns a corresponding array of RGB or RGBA colors. |
main ()
make_meridians ([n_levels, offset, resolution])
Create meridians (vertical partial circles) on unit sphere. |
make_parallels ([n_levels, min_altitude, ...])
Create parallels (horizontal circles) on unit sphere. |
plot_all (x, y, z, colors[, fig, ...])
plot_border (x, y, z, colors[, name, ...])
plot_key_scape (corpus[, show])
Create key scape plot(s) from corpus. |
plot_pcd_marker (pcd, labels[, name, ...])
plot_points (x, y, z, colors[, name, ...])
plot_surface (x, y, z, colors[, name, ...])
plot_time_traces (x, y, z, colors[, n_steps, ...])
Plot equally spaced traces from the top to the bottom of the triangle. |
plot_tip (x, y, z, colors[, name, groupname, ...])
rgba (*args)
rgba_darker (col, val)
rgba_lighter (col, val)
rgba_mix (colors, weights[, normalise])
toggle_group_items_separately (...)