from typing import Iterable
import numpy as np
import torch
import pytorch_lightning as pl
from triangularmap import TMap
from rbnet.util import normalize_non_zero, as_detached_tensor, ConstrainedModuleMixin, ConstrainedModuleList, LogProb
from rbnet.base import Cell, Transition, Prior, NonTermVar, SequentialRBN
class PCFG(SequentialRBN):
def __init__(self, cells, prior, terminal_indices, non_terminals, auto_tokenise=True, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(cells=cells, prior=prior, *args, **kwargs)
self.terminal_indices = terminal_indices
self._non_terminals = non_terminals
self.auto_tokenise = auto_tokenise
def tokenise(self, sequence):
return [[self.terminal_indices[s]] for s in sequence]
def init_inside(self, sequence):
if self.auto_tokenise:
sequence = self.tokenise(sequence)
def map_inside_chart(self, precision=None):
new_arr = []
for probs in self.inside_chart[0].arr:
field = []
for idx, p in enumerate(probs):
if p > 0:
field.append(f"{self._non_terminals[idx]}:{np.format_float_scientific(p, precision=precision)}")
if len(field) == 1:
return TMap(new_arr)
class AbstractedPCFG(PCFG, pl.LightningModule, ConstrainedModuleMixin):
def __init__(self, non_terminals, terminals, rules, start, prob_rep=LogProb, *args, **kwargs):
An :class:`~AbstractedPCFG` defines an :class:`~rbnet.base.RBN` that has only one non-terminal and one
terminal variable, both being discrete with a cardinality corresponding to the number of non-terminal and
terminal symbols of the PCFG, respectively.
:param non_terminals: list or array of non-terminal symbols
:param terminals: list or array of terminal symbols
:param rules: iterable of rules-weight tuples with rules provided either as strings of the form
``("X --> Y Z", w)`` or ``("X --> Y", w)`` for non-terminal and terminal rules, respectively (symbols have to
be strings without whitespace for this), or of the form ``((X, (Y, Z)), w)`` or ``((X, (Y,)), w)`` for
arbitrary symbols, where w is the rule weight.
:param start: the start symbol
self.terminals = terminals
self.non_terminal_indices = {s: i for i, s in enumerate(non_terminals)}
terminal_indices = {s: i for i, s in enumerate(terminals)}
non_term_size = len(non_terminals)
term_size = len(self.terminals)
# deterministic prior
prior_weights = np.zeros(non_term_size)
prior_weights[self.non_terminal_indices[start]] = 1
prior = DiscretePrior(struc_weights=np.ones(1), prior_weights=[prior_weights], prob_rep=prob_rep)
# transition probabilities
non_terminal_weights = np.zeros((non_term_size, non_term_size, non_term_size))
terminal_weights = np.zeros((term_size, non_term_size))
for r, w in rules:
if isinstance(r, str):
s = r.split()
if not (len(s) in [3, 4] and s[1] == "-->"):
raise ValueError(f"Rules must be of the form 'X --> Y' or 'X --> Y Z', but got '{r}'")
lhs = s[0]
rhs = s[2:]
lhs, rhs = r
if len(rhs) == 1:
# terminal transition
rhs = rhs[0]
terminal_weights[terminal_indices[rhs], self.non_terminal_indices[lhs]] = w
elif len(rhs) == 2:
# non-terminal transition
left_child, right_child = rhs
self.non_terminal_indices[lhs]] = w
raise ValueError(f"Right-hand side of rules must consist of one (terminal) or two (non-terminal) "
f"symbols; this one has {len(rhs)} symbols: rhs={rhs}, lhs={lhs}, w={w}")
struc_weights = [terminal_weights.sum(axis=0), non_terminal_weights.sum(axis=(0, 1))]
# fix weights for symbols that have ONLY terminal/non-terminal transitions
terminal_weights = normalize_non_zero(terminal_weights, axis=0, make_zeros_uniform=True)
non_terminal_weights = normalize_non_zero(non_terminal_weights, axis=(0, 1), make_zeros_uniform=True)
# create transitions and cell
non_terminal_transition = DiscreteBinaryNonTerminalTransition(weights=non_terminal_weights, prob_rep=prob_rep)
terminal_transition = DiscreteTerminalTransition(weights=terminal_weights, prob_rep=prob_rep)
cell = DiscreteCell(variable=DiscreteNonTermVar(non_term_size),
transitions=[terminal_transition, non_terminal_transition],
super().__init__(cells=[cell], prior=prior, non_terminals=non_terminals, terminal_indices=terminal_indices, *args, **kwargs)
class ExpandedPCFG(PCFG):
def __init__(self, non_terminals, terminals, non_term_variables, rules, start):
An ExpandedPCFG...
:param non_terminals: list or array of non-terminal symbols
:param terminals: list or array of terminal symbols
:param non_term_variables: list of non-terminal variables corresponding to the non-terminal symbols
:param rules: iterable of rules-weight-transition tuples with rules provided either as strings of the form
("X --> Y Z", w, t) or ("X --> Y", w, t) for non-terminal and terminal rules, respectively (symbols have to be
strings without whitespace for this), or of the form ((X, (Y, Z)), w, t) or ((X, (Y,)), w, t) for arbitrary
symbols, where w is the rule weight, and t is the transition for the corresponding variables.
:param start: the start symbol
self.terminals = terminals
self.non_terminal_indices = {s: i for i, s in enumerate(non_terminals)}
terminal_indices = {s: i for i, s in enumerate(terminals)}
non_term_size = len(non_terminals)
term_size = len(self.terminals)
# deterministic prior
prior_weights = np.zeros(non_term_size)
prior_weights[self.non_terminal_indices[start]] = 1
prior = DiscretePrior(struc_weights=np.ones(1), prior_weights=[prior_weights])
# transition probabilities
non_terminal_weights = np.zeros((non_term_size, non_term_size, non_term_size))
terminal_weights = np.zeros((term_size, non_term_size))
weights = []
transitions = []
for r, w in rules:
if isinstance(r, str):
s = r.split()
if not (len(s) in [3, 4] and s[1] == "-->"):
raise ValueError(f"Rules must be of the form 'X --> Y' or 'X --> Y Z', but got '{r}'")
lhs = s[0]
rhs = s[2:]
lhs, rhs = r
if len(rhs) == 1:
# terminal transition
rhs = rhs[0]
terminal_weights[terminal_indices[rhs], self.non_terminal_indices[lhs]] = w
elif len(rhs) == 2:
# non-terminal transition
left_child, right_child = rhs
self.non_terminal_indices[lhs]] = w
raise ValueError(f"Right-hand side of rules must consist of one (terminal) or two (non-terminal) "
f"symbols; this one has {len(rhs)} symbols: rhs={rhs}, lhs={lhs}, w={w}")
non_terminal_transition = DiscreteBinaryNonTerminalTransition(weights=non_terminal_weights)
terminal_transition = DiscreteTerminalTransition(weights=terminal_weights)
cell = StaticCell(variable=DiscreteNonTermVar(non_term_size),
weights=[terminal_weights.sum(), non_terminal_weights.sum()],
transitions=[terminal_transition, non_terminal_transition])
prior = DiscretePrior(struc_weights=np.ones(2), prior_weights=[np.ones(3), np.ones(4)])
cells = []
for non_term_var, w, t in zip(non_term_variables, weights, transitions):
cells.append(StaticCell(variable=non_term_var, weights=w, transitions=t))
DiscreteTerminalTransition(weights=np.ones((5, 4))),
DiscreteBinaryNonTerminalTransition(weights=np.ones((4, 4, 4)),
left_idx=1, right_idx=1),
DiscreteBinaryNonTerminalTransition(weights=np.ones((3, 3, 4)),
left_idx=0, right_idx=0)
super().__init__(cells=cells, prior=prior, non_terminals=non_terminals, terminal_indices=...)
class DiscreteNonTermVar(NonTermVar):
def __init__(self, cardinality, chart_type="TMap", *args, **kwargs):
A discrete non-terminal variable with cardinality ``cardinality``.
:param cardinality: cardinality
:param chart_type: type of chart to use ("dict" or "TMap")
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.cardinality = cardinality
self.chart_type = chart_type
def get_chart(self, n, *args, **kwargs):
Initialise a chart for sequence of length `n`.
:param n: length of the sequence
:return: chart
if self.chart_type == "dict":
return {}
elif self.chart_type == "TMap":
return TMap(torch.zeros((TMap.size_from_n(n), self.cardinality)))
raise ValueError(f"Unknown chart type '{self.chart_type}'")
def mixture(self, components, weights=None, dim=0):
Compute a mixture distribution over a discrete variable.
:param components: array-like with mixture components along ``dim``
:param weights: [optional] weights of the mixture components; must be compatible (broadcastable) to
:param dim: integer or tuple of integers indicating the dimensions of ``components`` along which to sum to
compute the mixture
:return: distribution corresponding to the mixture
if len(components) == 0:
return torch.zeros(self.cardinality)
if not torch.is_tensor(components):
components = torch.stack(components)
if not isinstance(dim, tuple):
dim = (dim,)
if weights is not None:
components = torch.as_tensor(weights) * components
return components.sum(dim=dim)
class DiscretePrior(Prior, ConstrainedModuleMixin):
A prior distribution over discrete non-terminal variables.
def __init__(self, struc_weights, prior_weights, prob_rep=LogProb, *args, **kwargs):
Initialise prior with structural distribution ``p(z)`` and individual prior distributions ``p(a1), ..., p(an)``
for ``n`` non-terminal variables ``a1, ..., an``. The cardinality of ``z`` is ``n``.
:param struc_weights: array of shape ``(n,)`` with weights for the structural distribution
:param prior_weights: iterable over ``n`` arrays if shapes ``(K1,), ..., (Kn,)`` with weights for the prior
distribution of the ``n`` non-terminal variables.
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
struc_weights = as_detached_tensor(struc_weights)
prior_weights = [as_detached_tensor(w) for w in prior_weights]
if len(struc_weights.shape) == 1:
if torch.any(struc_weights < 0):
raise ValueError("All weights have to be non-negative")
self.structural_distribution = prob_rep(p=struc_weights)
raise ValueError("'struc_weights` must be one-dimensional")
if len(prior_weights) != len(struc_weights):
raise ValueError(f"Expected as many distributions as weights, but got: "
f"{len(prior_weights)} and {len(struc_weights)}")
self.prior_distributions = ConstrainedModuleList([prob_rep(p=p) for p in prior_weights])
def marginal_likelihood(self, root_location, inside_chart, **kwargs):
return (self.structural_distribution.p * torch.stack(
[(p.p * c[root_location]).sum() for p, c in zip(self.prior_distributions, inside_chart)]
class DiscreteBinaryNonTerminalTransition(Transition, ConstrainedModuleMixin):
A binary non-terminal transition for discrete non-terminal variables.
def __init__(self, weights, left_idx=0, right_idx=0, prob_rep=LogProb, *args, **kwargs):
Initialise a non-terminal transition p(a, b | c) for random variables `a`, `b`, `c`. The child variables `b` and
`c` may be different variables than `a` (if the RBN has multiple non-terminal variables), which is determined by
the left and right index (the default is to assume index 0, which is the first non-terminal variable – not
necessarily the same variable as `a`).
:param weights: Numpy array of shape (K, L, M) with weights proportional to p(a, b | c), where K, L, M are the
cardinalities of the variables a, b, c, respectively.
:param left_idx: index of the left child variable
:param right_idx: index of the right child variable
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
weights = as_detached_tensor(weights)
if len(weights.shape) == 3:
if torch.any(weights < 0):
raise ValueError("All weights have to be non-negative")
self.transition_probabilities = prob_rep(p=weights, dim=(0, 1))
raise ValueError("'weights' has to be three-dimensional")
self.left_idx = left_idx
self.right_idx = right_idx
def inside_marginals(self, location, inside_chart, terminal_chart, **kwargs):
if isinstance(location, tuple) and len(location) == 2:
start, end = location
if end - start <= 1:
# no splitting possible
return []
inside_marginals = []
for split in range(start + 1, end):
# get inside probabilities (clone to avoid problems with inplace operations below – not sure why)
left_inside = inside_chart[self.left_idx][start, split].clone()
right_inside = inside_chart[self.right_idx][split, end].clone()
(self.transition_probabilities.p * left_inside[:, None, None] * right_inside[None, :, None]).sum(dim=(0, 1))
return inside_marginals
raise ValueError(f"Expected locations to be (start, end) index, but got: {location}")
class DiscreteTerminalTransition(Transition, ConstrainedModuleMixin):
A binary terminal transition for discrete non-terminal and terminal variables.
def __init__(self, weights, term_idx=0, prob_rep=LogProb, *args, **kwargs):
Initialise a terminal transition p(a | b) for non-terminal variable `b` and terminal variable `a`.
:param weights: Numpy array of shape (L, M) with weights proportional to p(a | b), where L, M are the
cardinalities of the variables a, b, respectively.
:param term_idx: index of the terminal variable
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
weights = as_detached_tensor(weights)
if len(weights.shape) == 2:
if torch.any(weights < 0):
raise ValueError("All weights have to be non-negative")
s = weights.sum(axis=0) == 0
if torch.any(s):
raise ValueError(f"All transition weights for the following indices are zero: {', '.join([str(int(i)) for i in s.nonzero()])}")
self.transition_probabilities = prob_rep(p=weights, dim=0)
raise ValueError("'weights' has to be two-dimensional")
self.term_idx = term_idx
def inside_marginals(self, location, inside_chart, terminal_chart, **kwargs):
if isinstance(location, tuple) and len(location) == 2:
start, end = location
if end - start > 1:
# no terminal transition possible
return []
var_val = terminal_chart[start][self.term_idx]
if var_val is None:
# no terminal transition to THIS terminal variable possible
return []
return self.transition_probabilities.p[var_val, :][None, :]
raise ValueError(f"Expected locations to be (start, end) index, but got: {location}")
class DiscreteCell(Cell, ConstrainedModuleMixin):
"""A cell for a discrete variable, where the structural distribution may depend on the variable's value"""
def __init__(self, variable, weights, transitions, prob_rep=LogProb, *args, **kwargs):
:param variable: the discrete non-terminal variable for this cell
:param weights: 2D weights with shape ``(|z|, |x|)`` for the structural transition :math:`p(z | x)`,
where ``|z|`` and ``|x|`` are the number of transitions and the cardinality of the variable, respectively.
:param transitions: iterable over transitions in this cell
:param args: passed on to super().__init__
:param kwargs: passed on to super().__init__
super().__init__(variable=variable, *args, **kwargs)
weights = as_detached_tensor(weights)
if len(weights.shape) == 2:
if torch.any(weights < 0):
raise ValueError("All weights have to be non-negative")
self.transition_probabilities = prob_rep(p=weights, dim=0)
raise ValueError("'weights' must be two-dimensional")
if len(transitions) != weights.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(f"Number of transitions and size of first weight dimension must be the same, but got: "
f"{len(transitions)} and {weights.shape[0]}")
self._transitions = ConstrainedModuleList(transitions)
if variable.cardinality != weights.shape[1]:
raise ValueError(f"Cardinality of variable and size of second weight dimension must be the same, but got: "
f"{len(transitions)} and {weights.shape[1]}")
def transitions(self) -> Iterable[Transition]:
yield from self._transitions
def inside_mixture(self, inside_marginals):
# iterate over possible transitions
s = []
valid_transitions = np.zeros(shape=self.transition_probabilities.p.shape[0], dtype=bool)
for idx, i in enumerate(inside_marginals):
# if there are possible transitions
if len(i) > 0:
# compute mixture over possible splitting points
valid_transitions[idx] = True
# computed weighted mixture over transitions and return
return self.variable.mixture(components=s, weights=self.transition_probabilities.p[valid_transitions, :])
class StaticCell(DiscreteCell):
"""A cell with a static structural distribution (probabilities over the different transitions)"""
def __init__(self, variable, weights, transitions, prob_rep=LogProb, *args, **kwargs):
weights = as_detached_tensor(weights).unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, variable.cardinality)
*args, **kwargs)